SimIS exhibits at its first ever IITSEC show in Orlando, Florida!

On December 2nd – 5th SimIS attended IITSEC (Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference) in Orlando, Florida. IITSEC is the World’s largest Modeling/Simulation and Training Event.

This year, SimIS was able to exhibit at the show, while demonstrating our Autonomous Robots such as the HTT (Human Type Target) and our ADRT (Autonomous De-Escalation Robotic Trainer). Our ADRT System was developed for the Portsmouth Police Department. The trainer will allow the officers to face a variety of real-life scenarios and respond with the appropriate use of force.

This trainer has human-like robotic platforms, with an interactive training screen mounted inside the head of the torso.  Integrated sensors allow complete interaction with the trainee including voice recognition and response, physical tracking of the trainee and other robots, and they can exhibit behavior(s) like those associated with actual real-life scenarios.

The Customer can alter a scenario’s parameters to instill some randomization into training. This prevents trainee’s (on multiple training runs) from getting used to the scenario, its parameters, and behaviors. Parameters include:

  • Standard Scenarios and Custom Scenarios
  • Avatar appearance (able to select from a list of Avatars)
  • Mood (able to define the system’s tendency to react defensively, or aggressively)

SimIS team members stand with the ADRT

Overall, we had a blast at the IITSEC show and made some great connections. SimIS is excited to be back next year with our robots to showcase the advancements we have made!

SimIS employees at IITSEC event

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